

Translator: Katerina Popova Graphic design: Monika Vakarelova Cover painting: Mira Tisheva Metheor, Sofia, 2023 ISBN: 978-619-7291-37-7 Because in theatre thought and touch are miraculous, the plural is possible in the singular, because in theatre both time and space become plural and reveal themselves as plural.Because in theatre we understand the instability of the world – THEATRE OF MIRACLES


director: Ani Vasevatext: Boyan Manchevvideo: Ivan Nikolov, Ani Vasevalive music: Angel Simitchievsound design: Angel Simitchievmusic: Christophe Pectchanatzgraphic design: Katrin Metodieva premiere: 25 November 2024, Goethe-Institut, Sofia with: Leonid Yovchev, Katrin Metodieva, Emona Ilieva and Nikol Vasilevavideo with: Sigal Zouk, Laurie Young, Katrin Metodieva The forest is the territory between nature and culture where time is THE ENCHANTED FOREST


director: Ani Vasevavideo: Ivan Nikolovtheory: Boyan Manchevassistant director: Mihail Zhekunovmusic: Christophe Petchanatzcostumes: Ani Vaseva, Darina Stoimenovaceramics: Katrin Metodievagraphic design: Monika Vakarelova Kadze is inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, as well as by Tatsumi Hijikata’s hypnotic essay Kadze Daruma. Kaze is a Metheor production, supported by Sofia Municipality and Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture.


  director: Ani Vaseva text: Ani Vaseva, Boyan Manchev, including fragments by E.T.A. HoffmannGerman translation: Elvira BormannEnglish translation: Katerina Popovaapparatuses and digital programs: Stefan Donchevmusic: Christophe Petchanatz / Klimpereisound design: Angel Simitchievknitted costumes: Catherine Metodieva, Ilga Medarskavideo: Ivan Nikolov with: Leonid Yovchev and Katrin Metodieva Video series, dedicated to the uncanny world of Ernst Theodor ATLANTIS